This is what my perennial hibiscus (also called Rose Mallow) looks like this time of year. You would never know from looking at this picture that it produces the most beautiful pink blooms that are about 4-6 inches in diameter. I won't prune it back until early spring because the birds love to perch on these branches all throughout the winter, and I love to watch them.

Today, left me little time to paint so I very quickly and loosely created this little watercolor sketch. It was the photo that inspired me, but as you can tell, I did not really study it while I painted. Instead, I painted from memory. It was freeing to paint this way, and even though time was short, I enjoyed the process.
Day 22
Rose Mallow
Front Yard
4.5 x 2.5
paito sgp
paito hk
paito sdy
paito macau